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Saturday, November 7, 2009

Adding portlets to a theme/layout

If we want to include some portlet in all the pages of our web, we must include it into a theme or layout file (.vm or .tpl).

For example, it would be useful to have a breadcrumb portlet in the layout and not have to manually include it on every page. Even we could establish a default configuration.

Other portlets which should be included on the theme could be the language portlet, content search, navigation, etc.

The following examples show how to add a language portlet, to do that we have two posibilities:

a) Adding the portlet to portal_normal.vm with the xml configuration:

b) Adding the portlet to a hidden page, configure it and instance his portlet-id from portal_normal.vm:


  1. Hi

    can u give example of theme having language portlet/search portlet in liferay.

  2. Hi,

    You only have to copy to portal_normal.vm the code of section a).

    Compile and deploy the theme.

  3. Simple but useful explanation ...
    Thx ..
